Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Melinda of ViVidTexture WINS the LONGSTOCKINGS!

Congrats to Melinda of who wins her choice of Longstockings! she makes cute home items like this pincushion too so check her out:)
For the rest of you wonderful lovelies I have Extended my free Worldwide shipping as a Thank you for the rest of the week:) Check out these new stockings too:)

On another note, I just won a HUGE shopping spree at I will write a whole post when my goodies come but You should all go check out her amazing stuff:) but look at one of the goodies I picked

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait till I can get my custom Bella dress from you! =D

    Karyl's stuff is absolutely awesome!! And that Hello Kitty necklace is the cutest!
