Monday, May 9, 2011

Zombify Zoe Zomby by GothCupcake review

I have to say that I have tried out a lot of Handmade makeup Hands down this line is my favorite the colors are nice and vibrant and customer service is beyond compare:)All of her make up is vegan and is made in sanitary conditions.
I'm wearing Mystery & Velvet in this pic. I always use a base of a thin coat of plain lipgloss so it sticks really well(I have showered & my makeup does not move)
A great deal that she is having before she relaunches 5 random shadows for $20


  1. I love my Zombify too!! And thanks for the lip gloss tip, I have a clear one I don't really use any more that will get a new life!

  2. I think I'm going to have to check that out. Nice review!

  3. Thanks for the review and the makeup tip! :)
